Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Mother's Love

I owe everything that I have to my mother.  If it were not for her I would have surely been dead or in jail.  I know this because I have seen what has happened to fellow friends without a strong presence from their mother.  Although having both parents around is ideal, having been raised in a single-parent household, I feel that if you have at least one strong and loving guardian it is indeed possible that you can become a well-functioning, successful adult. 
I came up in a neighborhood full of black people and our particular area was low income.  I saw the police ride through my neighborhood a lot, but I never accredited it to drugs or crime.  I only saw a couple acts of violence and some people smoked weed, but that was about it.  For our place of rest to be classified as the ‘hood, according to popular culture standards, it was pretty quiet and safe.  Temptation was still around though, but my mother taught me at a young age the importance of gaining a sound education and staying out of trouble.  She was strict at times, but it paid off.
I remember getting outfits on my bed when I would come home from school and all of the sleepovers with my many friends, pizza and snacks.  I remember the beautiful Christmases and how my mother would let me stay up a little later on Tuesday nights so we could watch Real World together.  I remember that she told me she loved me every single time we spoke and how she still does to this day. 
I never once felt that my Mother did not love me because she made it very clear through her words and actions just how much she really did.  Whenever I was punished she would always make it clear that she was not mad or disappointed in me, but rather the behavior or action I had or was committing. 

She took me out on my first date in the 5th grade to see the movie “soul food” with whom I thought was my very first serious girlfriend.  And while on the subject of girlfriends, she never pressured me, but never hesitated to let me know her impression of them.  She was frank to say the least, and I was careful to only bring the girls that I thought highly of around her.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that my mother cooks the best meals.  I have lost nearly 50 pounds since I moved out of state.  My mother’s food is literally like edible crack and I just can’t get enough. 
My mother is an incredible woman and I know she is the reason I was able to know what to look for in a wife.  She is the reason I travel the world, aspire to be my own boss and love unconditionally.  My mother taught me how to love, and ironically, how to be a man too.  I love her to death and on this day, her birthday, I thought I’d speak on it a bit.  I love you Mom!
What do you love and remember most about your Mother?

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